--- title: "Getting Started" author: "David Granjon" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Getting Started} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} --- ```{r setup, include = FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ``` ## Introduction We need to load the following packages: ```r library(argonR) library(htmltools) library(magrittr) ``` ### Installing assets To install all mandatory CSS and javascript files run the following command ```r argonInstall() ``` By default, the path corresponds the the current working directory (`getwd()`) but you can change it. In the following, make sure to generate html pages in the same directory! ### Generate a Page #### argonPage Below is an example of a very basic HTML page: ```r argonPage( title = "ArgonR Static Template", author = "Somebody", description = "HTML Static Template", navbar = NULL, footer = NULL ) ``` which generate the following HTML:
Code ```html ArgonR Static Template

This template is however empty, so not very interesting. Moreover, there are missing elements that will prevent it from being correctly rendered. #### Insert a navbar Surprisingly, we need the `argonNavbar()` function, see below:
Code ```r navbar <- argonNavbar( id = "main-navbar", src = "https://demos.creative-tim.com/argon-design-system/assets/img/brand/white.png", # left menu argonNavMenu( argonDropdown( name = "Components", size = "lg", argonDropdownItem( name = "Getting Started", description = "Blabla", src = "", icon = argonIcon("spaceship", color = "white"), status = "primary" ), argonDropdownItem( name = "Foundation", description = "Blabla", src = "", icon = argonIcon("palette", color = "white"), status = "warning" ), argonDropdownItem( name = "Components", description = "Blabla", src = "", icon = argonIcon("ui-04", color = "white), status = "success" ) ) ), # right menu argonNavMenu( side = "right", argonNavItem( name = "facebook", src = "https://www.facebook.com", icon = icon("facebook-square"), tooltip = "Like us on Facebook" ), argonNavItem( name = "instagram", src = "https://www.instagram.com", icon = icon("instagram"), tooltip = "Follow us on Instagram" ), argonNavItem( name = "twitter", src = "https://www.twitter.com", icon = icon("twitter-square"), tooltip = "Follow us on Twitter" ), argonNavItem( name = "github", src = "https://www.github.com", icon = icon("github"), tooltip = "Star us on Github" ) ) ) ```

The `argonNavbar()` function accepts `argonNavMenu()`, which in turns takes `argonNavItem()` and `argonDropdown()`. #### Insert the footer We need the `argonFooter()` function:
Code ```r footer <- argonFooter( has_card = FALSE, argonContainer( size = "lg", argonRow( argonColumn( width = 6, argonIconWrapper( iconTag = argonIcon("atom"), size = "lg", status = "success", shadow = TRUE, hover_shadow = TRUE ), argonH1( display = 3, "Insert anything in the footer" ), argonLead( "The Arctic Ocean freezes every winter and much of the sea-ice then thaws every summer, and that process will continue whatever" ) ), argonColumn( width = 6, argonCarousel( width = 12, id = "carousel2", argonCarouselItem( src = "http://www.72pxdesigns.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/preview-814162.png", active = TRUE ), argonCarouselItem( src = "http://www.72pxdesigns.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/preview-814162.png", active = FALSE ) ) ) ) ) ) ```

In general, footer elements are wrapped in several `argonSection()`. #### Fill the body All body elements must be wrapped in a `argonSection()`, for instance: ```r body <- argonSection( size = "lg", status = "default", gradient = TRUE, separator = TRUE, separator_color = "white", shape = TRUE, argonColumn( argonRow( argonColumn( width = 6, argonH1( display = 3, "ArgonR, HTML static template for R", htmltools::span("completed with examples") ) %>% argonTextColor(color = "white"), argonLead( "Argon is a great free UI package based on Bootstrap 4 that includes the most important components and features" ) %>% argonTextColor(color = "white") ), argonColumn( width = 6, argonImage( src = "inst/images/imac.svg", floating = TRUE ) %>% argonPersp(side = "right") %>% argonBlur() ) ) ) ) ``` #### Create the template ```r # generate the page example <- argonPage( title = "ArgonR Static Template", author = "Somebody", description = "HTML Static Template", navbar = navbar, footer = footer, # main content body ) # create the path path <- getwd() # generate the static page argonPageTemplate(filename = "example", path = path, argonPage = example) ``` While the first part is responsible for creating the page skeleton, the `argonPageTemplate()` function provides additional treatments to make it run without shiny. The view argument enable whether to preview the page or not. ## Example Below is a fully working example:
Code ```r # This examples show how to create a simple static html page using argonR library(argonR) library(htmltools) library(magrittr) tabText1 <- "Raw denim you probably haven't heard of them jean shorts Austin. Nesciunt tofu stumptown aliqua, retro synth master cleanse. Mustache cliche tempor, williamsburg carles vegan helvetica. Reprehenderit butcher retro keffiyeh dreamcatcher synth. Raw denim you probably haven't heard of them jean shorts Austin. Nesciunt tofu stumptown aliqua, retro synth master cleanse" tabText2 <- "Cosby sweater eu banh mi, qui irure terry richardson ex squid. Aliquip placeat salvia cillum iphone. Seitan aliquip quis cardigan american apparel, butcher voluptate nisi qui." tabText3 <- "Raw denim you probably haven't heard of them jean shorts Austin. Nesciunt tofu stumptown aliqua, retro synth master cleanse. Mustache cliche tempor, williamsburg carles vegan helvetica. Reprehenderit butcher retro keffiyeh dreamcatcher synth" example <- argonPage( title = "ArgonR Static Template", author = "Divad Nojnarg", description = "HTML Static Template", navbar = argonNavbar( id = "main-navbar", src = "https://demos.creative-tim.com/argon-design-system/assets/img/brand/white.png", # left menu argonNavMenu( argonDropdown( name = "Components", size = "lg", argonDropdownItem( name = "Getting Started", description = "BlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBla", src = "test.html", icon = argonIcon(name = "spaceship" color = "primary") ), argonDropdownItem( name = "Foundation", description = "BlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBla", src = "", icon = argonIcon(name = "palette" color = "warning") ), argonDropdownItem( name = "Components", description = "BlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBlaBla", src = "", icon = argonIcon(name = "ui-04" color = "success") ) ) ), # right menu argonNavMenu( side = "right", argonNavItem( name = "facebook", src = "https://www.facebook.com", icon = icon("facebook-square"), tooltip = "Like us on Facebook" ), argonNavItem( name = "instagram", src = "https://www.instagram.com", icon = icon("instagram"), tooltip = "Follow us on Instagram" ), argonNavItem( name = "twitter", src = "https://www.twitter.com", icon = icon("twitter-square"), tooltip = "Follow us on Twitter" ), argonNavItem( name = "github", src = "https://www.github.com", icon = icon("github"), tooltip = "Star us on Github" ) ) ), footer = argonFooter( has_card = FALSE, #status = "info", #gradient = TRUE, argonContainer( size = "lg", argonRow( argonColumn( width = 6, argonIconWrapper( iconTag = argonIcon("atom"), size = "lg", status = "success", shadow = TRUE, hover_shadow = TRUE ), argonH1( display = 3, "Insert anything in the footer" ), argonLead( "The Arctic Ocean freezes every winter and much of the sea-ice then thaws every summer, and that process will continue whatever" ) ), argonColumn( width = 6, argonCarousel( width = 12, id = "carousel2", argonCarouselItem( src = "https://demos.creative-tim.com/argon-design-system/assets/img/theme/img-1-1200x1000.jpg", active = TRUE ), argonCarouselItem( src = "https://demos.creative-tim.com/argon-design-system/assets/img/theme/img-2-1200x1000.jpg", active = FALSE ) ) %>% argonPersp(side = "right") ) ) ) ) %>% argonMargin(orientation = "t", value = 20), # main content argonSection( size = "lg", status = "default", gradient = TRUE, separator = TRUE, separator_color = "white", shape = TRUE, argonColumn( argonRow( argonColumn( width = 6, argonH1( display = 3, "ArgonR, HTML static template for R", htmltools::span("completed with examples") ) %>% argonTextColor(color = "white"), argonLead( "Argon is a great free UI package based on Bootstrap 4 that includes the most important components and features" ) %>% argonTextColor(color = "white") ), argonColumn( width = 6, argonImage( src = "inst/images/imac.svg", floating = TRUE ) %>% argonPersp(side = "right") %>% argonBlur() ) ) ) %>% argonPadding(orientation = "x", value = 0) ), argonSection( size = "lg", status = NULL, gradient = FALSE, separator = FALSE, separator_color = NULL, shape = FALSE, argonRow( argonColumn( width = 4, argonCard( status = "primary", width = 12, title = "Card 1", hover_lift = TRUE, shadow = TRUE, icon = argonIcon("check-bold"), src = "#", "Argon is a great free UI package based on Bootstrap 4 that includes the most important components and features." ) %>% argonTooltip(position = "left", title = "I am a nice card") ), argonColumn( width = 4, argonCard( status = "success", width = 12, title = "Card 2", hover_lift = TRUE, shadow = TRUE, icon = argonIcon("istanbul"), src = "#", "Argon is a great free UI package based on Bootstrap 4 that includes the most important components and features" ) %>% argonTooltip(position = "top", title = "I am a nice card") ), argonColumn( width = 4, argonCard( status = "warning", width = 12, title = "Card 3", hover_lift = TRUE, shadow = TRUE, icon = argonIcon("planet"), src = "#", "Argon is a great free UI package based on Bootstrap 4 that includes the most important components and features" ) %>% argonTooltip(position = "bottom", title = "I am a nice card") ) ), # badges argonH1(display = 3, "ArgonR elements") %>% argonPadding(orientation = "t", value = 5), argonLead("Badges") %>% argonMuted(), argonRow( argonColumn( width = 3, argonBadge( text = "My badge", src = "https://www.google.com", pill = TRUE, status = "danger" ) ), argonColumn( width = 3, argonBadge( text = "My badge", src = "https://www.google.com", pill = TRUE, status = "primary" ) ), argonColumn( width = 3, argonBadge( text = "My badge", pill = TRUE, status = "warning" ) ), argonColumn( width = 3, argonBadge( text = "My badge", src = "https://www.google.com", pill = FALSE, status = "success" ) ) ), # progress argonLead("Progress") %>% argonMuted(), argonRow( argonColumn( width = 4, argonProgress(value = 10, status = "danger", text = "Custom Text") ), argonColumn( width = 4, argonProgress(value = 40, status = "info", text = NULL) ), argonColumn( width = 4, argonProgress(value = 90, status = "warning", text = argonIcon("atom")) ) ), # alerts argonLead("Alerts") %>% argonMuted(), argonRow( argonColumn( width = 4, argonAlert( icon = argonIcon("basket"), status = "danger", "This is an alert", closable = TRUE ) ), argonColumn( width = 4, argonAlert( icon = argonIcon("ui-02"), status = "success", "This is an alert", closable = TRUE ) ), argonColumn( width = 4, argonAlert( icon = argonIcon("ui-03"), status = "info", "This is an alert", closable = TRUE ) ) ), # tabs argonLead("Tabs") %>% argonMuted(), argonRow( argonTabSet( id = "tab-1", card_wrapper = TRUE, horizontal = TRUE, circle = FALSE, size = "sm", width = 6, iconList = list( argonIcon("cloud-upload-96"), argonIcon("bell-55"), argonicon("calendar-grid-58") ), argonTab( tabName = "Tab 1", active = FALSE, tabText1 ), argonTab( tabName = "Tab 2", active = TRUE, tabText2 ), argonTab( tabName = "Tab 3", active = FALSE, tabText3 ) ), argonTabSet( id = "tab-2", card_wrapper = TRUE, horizontal = FALSE, circle = TRUE, size = "sm", argonTab( tabName = "Tab 4", active = FALSE, tabText1 ), argonTab( tabName = "Tab 5", active = TRUE, tabText2 ), argonTab( tabName = "Tab 6", active = FALSE, tabText3 ) ) ) ) %>% argonMargin(orientation = "t", value = -200) %>% argonPadding(orientation = "t", value = 0), argonSection( size = "lg", status = "warning", gradient = TRUE, separator = TRUE, separator_color = "white", shape = FALSE, argonContainer( size = "lg", argonRow( argonColumn( width = 6, argonH1( display = 3, "Load modals", htmltools::span("by clicking on buttons") ) %>% argonTextColor(color = "white"), argonButton( name = "Click me!", status = "danger", icon = argonIcon("atom"), size = "lg", toggle_modal = TRUE, modal_id = "modal1" ) ), argonColumn( width = 6, argonModal( id = "modal1", title = "This is a modal", status = "danger", gradient = TRUE, "YOU SHOULD READ THIS!", br(), "A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia." ), argonImage( floating = TRUE, src = "https://demos.creative-tim.com/argon-design-system/assets/img/ill/ill-2.svg", hover_lift = TRUE ) %>% argonTooltip(position = "right", title = "I am a nice floating image") %>% argonBlur(text = "Hi There!", text_color = "white") ) ) %>% argonPadding(orientation = "y", value = 5), argonPagination( size = "lg", align = "center", argonPaginationItem( name = 1, src = "test.html" ), argonPaginationItem( name = 2, src = "https://www.google.com" ) ) ) ), argonSection( size = "lg", status = "white", argonRow( argonIconWrapper( iconTag = argonIcon("atom"), size = "lg", status = "danger", shadow = TRUE, hover_shadow = TRUE ), argonH1(display = 3, "ArgonR social") %>% argonPadding(orientation = "l", value = 5) ), argonRow( argonColumn( width = 3, argonUser( title = "Ryan Tompson", subtitle = "Web Developer", src = "https://demos.creative-tim.com/argon-design-system/assets/img/theme/team-1-800x800.jpg" ) %>% argonBlur(text = "Ryan Tompson", text_color = "default") ), argonColumn( width = 3, argonUser( title = "Romina Hadid", subtitle = "Marketing Strategist", src = "https://demos.creative-tim.com/argon-design-system/assets/img/theme/team-2-800x800.jpg" ) %>% argonBlur(text = "Romina Hadid", text_color = "default") ), argonColumn( width = 3, argonUser( title = "Alexander Smith", subtitle = "UI/UX Designer", src = "https://demos.creative-tim.com/argon-design-system/assets/img/theme/team-3-800x800.jpg" ) %>% argonBlur(text = "Alexander Smith", text_color = "default") ), argonColumn( width = 3, argonUser( title = "John Doe", subtitle = "Founder and CEO", src = "https://demos.creative-tim.com/argon-design-system/assets/img/theme/team-4-800x800.jpg" ) %>% argonBlur(text = "John Doe", text_color = "default") ) ) # br(), br(), # argonContainer( # argonProfile( # title = "John", # subtitle = "Japan, Kagoshima", # src = "https://image.flaticon.com/icons/svg/1006/1006540.svg", # url = "https://www.google.com", # url_1 = "https://www.google.com", # url_2 = "https://www.google.com", # stats = argonProfileStats( # argonProfileStat( # value = 22, # description = "Friends" # ), # argonProfileStat( # value = 10, # description = "Photos" # ), # argonProfileStat( # value = 89, # description = "Comments" # ) # ), # "An artist of considerable range, Ryan — # the name taken by Melbourne-raised, # Brooklyn-based Nick Murphy — writes, # performs and records all of his own music, # giving it a warm, intimate feel with a solid # groove structure. An artist of considerable # range." # ) # ) ), argonSection( size = "lg", status = "default", cascade = TRUE, argonH1(display = 3, "ArgonR Cascade Effect") %>% argonPadding(orientation = "l", value = 5) %>% argonPadding(orientation = "b", value = 5) %>% argonTextColor(color = "white"), argonCascade( argonCascadeItem(name = "diamond", src = "https://www.google.com"), argonCascadeItem(name = "album-2", size = "sm"), argonCascadeItem(name = "app", size = "sm"), argonCascadeItem(name = "atom", size = "sm"), argonCascadeItem(name = "bag-17", src = "https://www.google.com"), argonCascadeItem(name = "bell-55"), argonCascadeItem(name = "credit-card"), argonCascadeItem(name = "briefcase-24", size = "sm", "https://www.google.com"), argonCascadeItem(name = "building", size = "sm"), argonCascadeItem(name = "button-play", size = "sm"), argonCascadeItem(name = "calendar-grid-58"), argonCascadeItem(name = "camera-compact"), argonCascadeItem(name = "chart-bar-32") ) ) ) argonPageTemplate(filename = "example", path = getwd(), example) ```